Hannah von Reth

Results 161 comments of Hannah von Reth

``` 12-22 13:30:11:652 [ info sync.discovery ]: STARTING "New folder/aaaaaa" OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob::ParentNotChanged "New folder/aaaaaa" OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob::ParentDontExist ``` Looks like we get `OCC::ProcessDirectoryJob::ParentDontExist` for the folder it self and probably don't propagate the...

So for some unknown reason someone decided that folder deletes should not happen during the normal propagation but at the end. Now if any error happened in any item the...

See https://github.com/owncloud/client/commit/1e652e12b5027afa11e7a0443ec4b10669d4d79e > Note that this means that if there are errors in subJobs the dirDeletionJobs won't get executed.

@butonic usually this happens if you opened multiple auth windows, only one will succeed. If an error occurs during auth we will also restart the process so well start on...

@fmoc I think your currently looking into it

The client restarted again and again after a crash.

> Temporary work-around: edit `~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.owncloud.desktopclient.plist` and change the value for `RunAtLoad` to false like this: > > ``` > RunAtLoad > > ``` > > > The client restarted again...

Hmm it was auto starting the client in my dev env. Changes to ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/200626/174764662-ad22d192-c77c-44f2-adaa-293b4667f659.png) Had no effect the client was started again after login.