**UPDATE:** I found a mention to overriding `func viewWillTransition(to size: CGSize, with coordinator: UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator)` as a potential workaround to this issue. My implementation looks looks like this: override func viewWillTransition(to...
Yes, I am talking about fill color specifically. ``` On Saturday, October 29, 2016 5:41 PM, Sanjeet Suhag wrote: ``` @sdnakhla Unless you are talking about a fill color inside...
I am returning NO, but I still see the button at the bottom of the screen. It doesn't do anything, but it's still there.
I'm using 0.9.1 via CocoaPods. Is there a more recent version I should upgrade to? On Wednesday, July 9, 2014 1:41 PM, Eddy Borja [email protected] wrote: And you're using the...
Will you be updating the pod spec any time soon? Or will I have to build it manually to get the latest commits?
More info... Upon trying multiple times to get the lambda to fire, I see something like this in the logs... ` Error executing Lambda function arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:000000000000:function:MyLambdaFunction: Could not connect to...
Can confirm the issue still exists on macOS Sonoma on my mac mini (Intel). I'm getting Unsupported Image Format when trying to view DNG images. Aperture 3.6
The load and save is just a simple CoreData operation. I obtain the HTML string by calling richTextEditor?.htmlString() and save that returned value. I do not manipulate it at all. ...
Thanks for your quick response! I'll be sure to check out DTCoreText. Any examples or advice for making use of it?
For what it's worth, I took a stab at incorporating the answer from the Stackoverflow link you provided and it worked like a charm! I simply overrode the [RichTextEditor attributedStringFromHTMLString]...