Koos Goossens
Koos Goossens
> Hi @TheCloudScout, > Can you please suggest if Im missing something here. > Thanks I'm sorry for the late reply. I checked my changes and found the error. Right...
Thanks @v-mchatla for you thorough testing! And you're very right! I completely missed the fact that these help functions stopped working, I was only focussen on the graphs and lists....
> Changes look good. Need one small change - please increment the version in [workbook metadata](https://github.com/Azure/Azure-Sentinel/blob/master/Workbooks/WorkbooksMetadata.json) file. Currently its 1.0.0 update it to 1.0.1 Sorry wasn't aware of this metadata...
Hi @v-sabiraj, @v-mchatla, @v-atulyadav, I've made a slight change by compacting the `WorkbooksMetadata.json` to trigger a re-run on all tests. And this appeared to be working since all tests are...
> Hi @TheCloudScout ,Could you please share email id of team member will connect over teams meeting for getting this done Please invite [email protected] and [email protected]
Hi @v-muuppugund, > the commit will be reverted in PR Are you saying that you're going to revert/undo the entire PR? What is the reason behind this? Does Haim not...
Hi @nangirl I guess you were a bit too early. We hadn't finished sending the latest version to rubygems. Since the plug-in name had to change, we left a couple...