Florian Bruhin

Results 279 issues of Florian Bruhin

I recently started using [mypy](http://mypy-lang.org/) with my [project](https://www.qutebrowser.org/) and it says *"No library stub file for module 'colorama'"*. Do you have any plans to introduce type annotations for colorama? Those...

When invoking `github-browse-file` with a range of commits selected in e.g. `magit-log`, it'd be nice to open `/compare/rev_a...rev_b` instead, to take you to the compare view. I'm not sure whether...

Thanks a lot for your [List of Chromium Command Line Switches](https://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/) - as the main developer of [qutebrowser](https://www.qutebrowser.org/), it's a very useful reference! Unfortunately, it looks like the page says:...

I'm trying to set `cryptboot` up on Archlinux with a Thinkpad x1 Yoga. Key enrollment and signing seemed to have completed successfully, but when I run `mkinitcpio -p linux` outside...

Since a couple of days (?), I'm [seeing this](https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/runs/1769782535?check_suite_focus=true) in my runs: ``` Setup Python dependencies /home/runner/work/_actions/github/codeql-action/v1/python-setup/install_tools.sh [...] + + curl --location --fail https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py + command -v python2 /usr/bin/python2 +...

## Description When an appplication passes a custom icon for a notification, it gets scaled down and is blurry. ## Budgie version 10.5.2 ## Operating system Solus 4.2 ## Steps...

needs more info

Regarding CI not running, right - CI doesn't run when triggered this way - this also happens for the create-pull-request actions and similar. Workaround is to close & reopen, then...

type: infrastructure

Consider a test like this: ```python @pytest.mark.parametrize('text1, text2, equal', [ # schemes ("http://en.google.com/blah/*/foo", "https://en.google.com/blah/*/foo", False), ("https://en.google.com/blah/*/foo", "https://en.google.com/blah/*/foo", True), ("https://en.google.com/blah/*/foo", "ftp://en.google.com/blah/*/foo", False), # subdomains ("https://en.google.com/blah/*/foo", "https://fr.google.com/blah/*/foo", False), ("https://www.google.com/blah/*/foo", "https://*.google.com/blah/*/foo", False), ("https://*.google.com/blah/*/foo",...

topic: reporting
topic: parametrize
topic: tracebacks

With this code: ``` python import pytest @pytest.yield_fixture def fixt(): yield raise Exception def test_foo(fixt): pass ``` We get this output: ``` collected 1 items py/test_foo.py::test_foo PASSED py/test_foo.py::test_foo ERROR ==================================...

type: enhancement
status: help wanted
topic: reporting

#### For bugs - Rule Id (if any, e.g. SC1000): SC2140 - My shellcheck version (`shellcheck --version` or "online"): 0.8.0 - [x] The rule's wiki page does not already cover...