Florian Bruhin

Results 279 issues of Florian Bruhin

It'd be nice to have an example script which is essentially a [REPL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Read-eval-print_loop)/shell for herbstclient.


Raise the affected window above others in floating mode (suggested by nullie)


`hc load` could have an index argument which loads a layout into an existing frame instead of the root-frame.


The commands/settings get a bit much in the manpage. It might make sense to split them into logical groups (e.g. frames/tags/monitors/scripting/... commands)


Suggested by eto and others


e.g. `hc resize exact 400x300`

Jump to the next/previous tag with/without a client shown Some people want that feature, and implementing it in a script with wraparound etc. is possible but ugly


Having some hidden-attribute for special tags/monitors so they don't show up in the panel and are ignored when cycling, for floatmon, etc. There are some home-brewed solutions (custom attribute) but...

Aligns windows either horizontally or vertically, depending on what's the longer side. Not sure if it's too confusing though.


e.g. `hc set_monitors name:tag@1024x768+0+0` (or just `name:...` or `tag@...`)
