A lot of *nix programs (grep, make, ls, git to name a few) make use of optional flag arguments. Usually they look like this (taken from `make --help`): ``` -j...
Previously, any icons that were found in folders like scalable or symbolic were ignored because they didn't contain any sizing information. Instead, assume any icons ending with ".svg" to be...
Hi, I've been trying to setup JavaImp, but so far I had no luck. I've set JavaImpPaths to ~/java, which contains both a jdk.jmplst and the rt.jar from my distribution:...
Currently, mkdir() is called thousands of times because we call mkpath() unnecessarily. This is bad for performance.
There should be test cases checking $3, specifically for subdirectories, as this has been bugged before. Commit that fixed this bug: 0a9f087
`redo` saves hashes about everything it builds already in .redo/, so we might as well provide a `clean` command to save people from writing their own (often outdated)
Using `rand()` for generating the magic numbers is bad because it only guarantees 2^15 different values. Possible solutions: - ship our own random number generator (needless complexity, existing implementations?) -...
- `redo` shouldn't abort if files in .redo/ have been corrupted if it can be avoided. Corrupted files should just be deleted. - Error messages should always print out readable...
`redo` should provide some mechanism to catch all output files of certain commands or "broken" compilers (like javac). A fork of apenwarr's redo has already implemented a interesting mechanic to...
``` redo-ifchange foo bar ``` should build foo and bar in parallel. Additionally, `redo` should support the jobserver protocol like apenwarr's implementation does.