
Results 11 issues of Teteros

Importing .bdf and .gdf currently fails (NME 0.21.1) because those filetypes have their own importers. This change will make them work again in the Sleep GUI when chosen on open...


The prompt always opens, even with `hypno=None` passed to visbrain.gui.Sleep() https://github.com/EtienneCmb/visbrain/blob/b599038e095919dc193b12d5e502d127de7d03c9/visbrain/io/read_sleep.py#L121-L126 doing `hypno=''` triggers an assertion, while chosing an empty file errors. So there is no way to start Sleep...

I'm wondering if there is any chance for some older plugins like noise gate or synth to come back in the future? ZamNoise does not seem to build as `ImageToggle.hpp`...

experimental plugin

Klystrack outputs 16-bit integer/stereo/44.1 KHz while > all audio data within JACK is represented as 32 bit floating point values. http://jackaudio.org/files/docs/html/index.html This leads to [nasty playback](https://0x0.st/sgFg.webm) without conversion. Maybe README...

Thank you for Efflux 2.0, been having a lot of fun with it, here's my feature request after using it again. Currently the entire song is able to be saved...

feature request

### 1. Steps to reproduce the problem. * Step 1: Download and run [VCV Rack](https://vcvrack.com). 0.6 * Step 2: Open Radium, load the VST Bridge (`Bridge/VCV-Bridge.so`) as a new **audio**...

Calf's LADSPA support has been deprecated for years and most distros have the LV2 version as their default calf package in repos. Since radium's chorus plugin defaults to calf this...

My Windows nodes are getting this error at the end of `join` command, at least when the invite came from a Linux tinc node: >Invitation successfully accepted. `Error reading data...


After rsync -a to mirror dropboxfs mount, dropboxfs shortly panics: ``` 2018/11/10 00:12:01 Requested lookup for dbox 2018/11/10 00:12:01 Directory cached. Not fetching. 2018/11/10 00:12:01 Found match for directory lookup...

Needs to be updated with upstream. See https://github.com/Shougo/deoplete.nvim/issues/682 https://github.com/Shougo/deoplete.nvim/issues/730 ``` Error detected while processing /home/tete/.config/nvim/local_init.vim: line 126: E121: Undefined variable: g:deoplete#omni#input_patterns E116: Invalid arguments for function deoplete#util#set_pattern Press ENTER or...