
Results 152 comments of 吴伟杰

You may try the versions like 2.x or 1.x.


I'm not sure whether this issue is related to #2038. https://github.com/apache/shardingsphere-elasticjob/pull/2132 may help.

I have some ideas about this issue: 1. Consider starting a job for manual trigger only; 2. Specify jobParameter by ElasticJob Console.

I want to create a Pool by URI to decouple database type from code. But I found the following URI cannot set the fields in `SqlConnectOptions` because `cachePreparedStatements` was converted...

How about echoing some warning instead of exiting if addresses & port checking failed? I'm not sure whether the checking could cover all cases.

There are many cases should be considered in address and port checking. Maybe we could do the checking in next PR. This PR just focus on enhancements about Docker and...

Hi @dissdic We may need further discussion in issue. Convert this PR to draft for now.

Try setting `jdbcCompliantTruncation=false` in JDBC URL. Such as ``` jdbc:mysql:// ```

> increase stack size means more memory occupied. it is inpredictable. > any other option? Usually this issue is caused by `Xss` too small or SQL too long. Just setting...