
Results 152 comments of 吴伟杰

Could you try finding out which SQL caused the exception?

Tests are not in release scope. We could remove the milestone.

You may try setting `useServerPrepStmts=false` in JDBC URL of ShardingSphere-Proxy or `useServerPrepStmts=true` when connecting to MySQL directly. MySQL's server prepared statement doesn't support multi queries neither. But MySQL JDBC Driver...

You may execute batched statements by standard JDBC API. https://github.com/apache/shardingsphere/issues/16124

Hikari metrics could be exported by JMX.

There is a related issue https://github.com/apache/shardingsphere/issues/15695

Hi @kaihekaihe The listener doesn't support inject spring beans for now. Consider lazily retrieving beans by some static context holder. We're thinking about that replace SPI factory with Spring containers...

Hi @dreamagician Could you explain more details about your PR?

> Let me have a try. Thanks for your participation.

We're going to make big changes to the ElasticJob Cloud. The Restful module may be refactored.