
Results 27 comments of Bell

I believe I have. ![]( Log ID: `46b117a3198428af5ea13f1c`

The current file name is `test.txt`. I tried to save it under that name and it did not work either. It is created but I cannot save it with Visual...

Not that I know? Not sure what WSL is, but rings a bell. I don't know how I would run VS Code in a specific environment? (nevermind, that's the Linux...

I do have WSL installed but I rarely use it, don't know how I would have made VSCode use it.

Sent another log. `09161961d48cb1c4489f441c` I don't know how to check them or the time.

I just saw this: ![]( `Open File` does not show the KBFS at all.

Neato, I wasn't aware. Thanks for the tip, I'm using that now.

Any news on this? It's been just about 2 months.

There is a similar issue regarding .jade files. e.g. I have layout.pug and index.pug, I use layout.pug in index.pug and load index.pug: works. I make a change to layout.pug only,...