
Results 6 issues of Tembac

- **Haxe version:** 3.4.7 - **Flixel version:** 4.5.1 - **OpenFL version:** 8.7.0 - **Lime version:** 7.2.0 - **Affected targets:** All ________________________________ **Code snippet reproducing the issue**: ```haxe package; import flixel.FlxSprite;...

- **Haxe version:** 3.4.0 - **Flixel version:** 4.3.0 - **OpenFL version:** 3.6.1 - **Lime version:** 2.9.1 - **Affected targets:** windows ________________________________ **Code snippet reproducing the issue**: Uploaded test demo: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v4839sn0xbyx6l1/testBigTexture.rar?dl=0...

- Flixel version: 4.2.0 - addons version: 2.2.0 - OpenFL version: 3.6.1 - Lime version: 2.9.1 - Affected targets: All Hi everyone, I'm not using dev flixel so it is...

This can be tested with the DynamicShadows demo. It is not happening when you build to flash. To test it you have to add more tiles to foreground with the...

Hello community, In my game I'm using nape for physics but also the flixel collision system for simple interactions. They work fine untill I tried to change the flixel size...

Hello everyone, I noticed it with the moveTowardsPoint function. My sprites where missing the target because on FlxAngle the calculation takes the center of the sprite but nape sprites already...