
Results 15 comments of Tembac

Same problem. I'm using phaser for the game.

This can be really useful because right now the debugger is really hard to use on mobile. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2808285/51356932-43b99680-1a9b-11e9-88b8-9e7925949503.png)

I'm using Phaser too and what @goshki is describing about anchors can be great to have in HaxeFlixel.

The problem seem to be on line 507 of FlxMouseEventManager. I don´t understand why is it this way. https://github.com/HaxeFlixel/flixel/blob/2e06b298a9761dd955d1a751c7f324f4b84812f0/flixel/input/mouse/FlxMouseEventManager.hx#L505-L510

I don't understand why it is that way. I made the following change and it seems to be working fine: `if (over.object.exists && over.object.visible && getRegister(over.object, currentOverObjects) == null) {...

If I null check on the mouse out function is still crashing. If I make a trace of s and s.animation before the crash it gives me the following: `Substate.hx:44:...

Thanks for your help but alive and active are true on mouse out. I'm thinking of making a PR with my fix because I don't know why on mouse out...

Thanks for the advice but it is still crashing with that change.

My computer is a little old but it is usually fast with games. My specs are: Windows 10 pro Processor: Intel core i7 @ 2.67GHz Ram: 6 Gb Video Card:...