### Description 描述 Hello ! The update process of TidGi is a bit cumbersome - we need to go to the GitHub repo and download the software manually. I'm guessing...
Use this wikitext to reproduce : ``` * * * ``` Error message when checking more than one of the checkboxes : "`TypeError: can't define array index property past the...
No toolbar is displayed when the width of the page = $:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/sidebarbreakpoint. To fix it, in $:/themes/nico/notebook/base use : ` @media (max-width: calc({{$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/sidebarbreakpoint}} - 1px)) { .nc-topbar { display: none;...
Bulk importing existing bookmarks from firefox to tiddlywiki would save a lot of time ! Folders could be transformed into tags to keep the hierarchy intact ? I think this...
I think this would help to relieve the burden on tiddlyhost hardware. See https://talk.tiddlywiki.org/t/uglify-is-even-uglier-new-features-sourcemapping-extravaganza/9391/4 Additionally, it would be great to be able to serve the uglified version of a wiki,...
It would be great to have a way to download all of my wikis at once every once in a while, for backups purpose. Deleting all wikis could be useful...
`isolation:isolate;` is added to the style for the card in order to prevent the ribbon from going in front of the title bar while in position sticky. before (without `isolation:isolate;`):...
Currently maps have the default behavior of being defined with pixels. This cause issues when using responsive images, for example here: ``` ``` https://point-and-click.tiddlyhost.com/#Image%20Map%20Demo When the sidebar is open, the...
Hi! Just wanted to know if other language like french will be supported in the future ?
The `:where()` pseudo-class is used in https://open-props.style/ , a CSS framework created by Adam Argyle. In this video, he explain why this is useful: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxF9g6_f5DbO4jP26dUpN9gqpHzCS3XYqN?si=ktxEvM0ZEhBfisEc In summary, this gives the...