Helmut Roschy

Results 6 comments of Helmut Roschy

Ok, I wrote some tests that would't pass without the fix. Please review the changes.

Yes, I see. It was just the shortest (and probably dirtiest) fix for the (in my experience with the track exercises) most common bug, when defining a private function with...

Well, I think one only has to change the last function in [/elixir-analyzer/tree/main/lib/elixir_analyzer/exercise_test/common_checks/function_annotation_order.ex](https://github.com/exercism/elixir-analyzer/blob/main/lib/elixir_analyzer/exercise_test/common_checks/function_annotation_order.ex) to ```elixir defp check_wrong_order(%{operations: operations}) do Enum.uniq(operations) not in [ [], [:def], [:defp], [:defmacro], [:defmacrop], [:spec, :def],...

Ok, I see. Thanks for the advice. I'll give it a try and issue a pull request from my account if I'm able to fix it.