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Common check for @doc and @spec order doesn't handle private functions or private macros correctly
I was working on the Name Badge exercise, where I decided to have a @spec
for two private functions. In my editor, locally, I initially had a @doc
and a @spec
for those functions. ElixirLS informed me that the @doc
strings will be stripped out because those are private functions. I decided to remove the @doc
strings and only keep the @spec
The code (SPOILER)
defmodule NameBadge do
@separator " - "
@doc """
Take an id, a name, and a department and format a string
that can be printed on a badge. It handles not having an ID which
is the case for new employees. And it recognizes and onwer when
no department is passed.
@spec print(integer() | nil, String.t(), String.t() | nil) :: String.t()
def print(id, name, department) do
format_id(id) <>
name <>
@spec format_id(integer() | nil) :: String.t()
defp format_id(id) do
if is_nil(id), do: "", else: "[#{id}]" <> @separator
@spec format_department(String.t() | nil) :: String.t()
defp format_department(department) do
if is_nil(department),
do: @separator <> "OWNER",
else: @separator <> String.upcase(department)
When I submitted my iteration, I got the following from the Elixir Analyzer:
Developers can choose the order of the
modules attributes, but the Elixir community convention is to use@doc
first and@spec
next to the function.
I do understand that, but why would I get it for a function that only has a @spec
, and not a @doc
I would understand it if the recommendation was to also have a @doc
string. But referring to the order of something that does not exist is confusing.
Thank you for the bug report! There's definitely something wrong. The check for the order of @doc
and @spec
seems not to handle private functions very well.
This code produces a comment about a wrong order when it shouldn't:
defmodule Test do
@spec x()
def x()
@spec y()
defp y()
This one as well:
defmodule Test do
@spec x()
def x()
@spec y()
defmacrop y()
and also this one:
defmodule Test do
@spec x()
def x()
@spec y()
Well, I think one only has to change the last function in /elixir-analyzer/tree/main/lib/elixir_analyzer/exercise_test/common_checks/function_annotation_order.ex to
defp check_wrong_order(%{operations: operations}) do
Enum.uniq(operations) not in [
[:spec, :def],
[:spec, :defp],
[:spec, :defmacro],
[:spec, :defmacrop],
[:doc, :def],
[:doc, :defp],
[:doc, :defmacro],
[:doc, :defmacrop],
[:doc, :spec, :def],
[:doc, :spec, :defp],
[:doc, :spec, :defmacro]
[:doc, :spec, :defmacrop]
to also include all the cases where there are private functions or macros.
I'd be able to modify the corresponding files and write corresponding tests etc., but since I haven't been contributing here before, I'm not sure how I should go about it.
If I fork this repo and create a feature branch, how can I push this branch and create a pull request. Don't I have to be added as a collaborator first?
If I fork this repo and create a feature branch, how can I push this branch and create a pull request. Don't I have to be added as a collaborator first?
You can create a pull request from your fork, that targets the main branch of the parent repository.
Well, I think one only has to change the last function in (...) to also include all the cases where there are private functions or macros.
I think you would need to start here instead: https://github.com/exercism/elixir-analyzer/blob/5765dc1213c430c81cda8b1c008d659d05a170c4/lib/elixir_analyzer/exercise_test/common_checks/function_annotation_order.ex#L12 I think the main problem with the current code is that defp
, defmacrop
, defguard
and defguardp
don't trigger a cut off in the chain of found annotations. After that most likely check_wrong_order
needs to be edited too.
If I fork this repo and create a feature branch, how can I push this branch and create a pull request. Don't I have to be added as a collaborator first?
You don't need to be added as a collaborator. First you need to create your own fork of this repository. You have all the necessary permissions to your own fork, and as @petros said, you can always open a pull request from your own fork into this repository. That doesn't require extra permissions.
Ok, I see. Thanks for the advice.
I'll give it a try and issue a pull request from my account if I'm able to fix it.
I issued a pull request, but I can't link it in here...