Not much info here. Looks as you actually tries to send more often than every 10 ms. You need a receiving node to successfully send any CAN-frame.
I Wish I knew. I still haven't found why the MQTT library happily accept F()encoded arguments but I cannot make this mqpub() work. There is information about this here https://arduino-esp8266.readthedocs.io/en/latest/PROGMEM.html,...
Looks to me that the variable sample should be an uint32_t. Can this be part of the audio trouble? bool ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR i2s_write_lr_nb(int16_t left, int16_t right){ int sample = right &...
I have a very similar output on Linux Mint. I am using BT v5.0 (HCI, LMP=9.x and VID=0A12 PID=0001) generic/cheap dongle on my desktop computer. Was the original problem solved?...
There are many things that can be wrong here. Logic analyser sampling speed shall be at least 10x the CAN bus speed to get reliable results. When not sending any...
Hello, I just started to love this library! Like Tiggr I would be very happy if you can make it work on ESP8266 too. Thanks
Thanks Tiggr for the update and good explanation. I did the same change and also got it to work. I can live with that warning. :) I guess that you...
[no_update_log.zip](https://github.com/atc1441/ZBS_Flasher/files/10527610/no_update_log.zip) I used png, but I face the same problem using bmp. The attached zip has my changed version of epaper-station with less but more informative printing. I run epaper-station...