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Is there a simple way to avoid __FlashStringHelper and to catch errors?
I would like to know if publishing fails. My .publish() are all over the code, so I thought I should centralize them to one or a few places called mqpub() where I can publish and also check for errors. ( I plan to later use mqpub() to save important failed messages to files, so they can be sent when connection to broker is restored. )
int8_t logMQTTerrors() {
static lwmqtt_err_t lastMqErr = LWMQTT_SUCCESS;
static lwmqtt_return_code_t lastMqRet = LWMQTT_CONNECTION_ACCEPTED;
lwmqtt_err_t mqErr = mq.lastError();
if ( lastMqErr != mqErr ) {
log(2, p("LWMQTT error %d->%d(LWMQTT_%s)", lastMqErr, mqErr, lwmqtt_err_text[(-1)*mqErr]));
lastMqErr = mqErr;
lwmqtt_return_code_t mqRet = mq.returnCode();
if ( lastMqRet != mqRet ) {
log(2, p("LWMQTT returnCode %d->%d(LWMQTT_%s)", lastMqRet, mqRet, lwmqtt_return_code_text[mqRet]));
lastMqRet = mqRet;
void mqpub( const char * topic, const char * payload ) {
bool ret = mq.publish(topic, payload, false, 0);
if ( ret == false ) {
My problem comes when I want to publish anything that is stored in Flash:
mq.publish( F("node/millis/" MQTT_CLIENTID), p("%d [s]", millis() / 1000), false, 0); // ... retained, QoS
mqpub( F("node/millis/" MQTT_CLIENTID), p("%d [s]", millis() / 1000));
The first line works, but the second will not compile with error: cannot convert 'const __FlashStringHelper*' to 'const char*' for argument '1' to 'void mqpub(const char*, const char*)'.
Is there a simple work-around for this?
Is it possible to use __FlashStringHelper with publish function?
I Wish I knew. I still haven't found why the MQTT library happily accept F()encoded arguments but I cannot make this mqpub() work. There is information about this here, but I still do not understand how to do it.
Closing as stale, please reopen if issue persists.