Otávio Nascimento

Results 3 issues of Otávio Nascimento

The expression: `regex().add("Java").zeroOrMore().build();` should generate the regex: `/(?:Java)*/`, just as the expression: `regex().maybe("Java").build();` generates the regex: `/(?:Java)?/`. However, the first expression actually generates the regex: `/Java*/`, which is not correct....

This is a fix for issue https://github.com/VerbalExpressions/JavaVerbalExpressions/issues/36. zeroOrMore() and oneOrMore() methods now accept a parameter just like the maybe method() in order to generate correct expressions. As a temporary side...

It seems to me that the following expression: ``` java VerbalExpression testRegex = regex() .capture() .find("abc") .or("def") .build(); ``` should evaluate to the regex: `/(?:((?:abc)|(?:(?:def))))/`, but instead it evaluates to:...