
Results 105 comments of Tatsh

The biggest thing keeping me from switching is lack of colour. MenuMeters has nice colour options and I don't think it looks 'bad' even with modern UI around it. Apple...

If there are 'bad lines' in `~/.bash_history`/etc, can they be ignored?

I had a different error that was caused by using su without a new login shell (`su -`). This caused an issue with a temporary file mcfly writes to, because...

Doesn't work on Windows because the 'termion' package from Rust does not support Windows, and cannot build on that. I'm using MSYS2. https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/termion/issues/167 Perhaps an alternative package can be used...

I noticed this too. Sometimes can't tell what number it is with high number HD windowing.

It may be possible to `dlopen()` the binary and call that method directly instead. A database of URLs has a significant chance of being out of date.

> I think this would be superseded by #7610 No longer. I hope this PR gets merged instead. My #7610 only covers Opus now.

Do we really want Dynarmic like this? It seems like between Citra and Yuzu, Dynarmic HEAD rarely works with both. Usually fails to compile with one.

> Until Dynarmic starts tagging releases more frequently (i.e. semantic versioning) it will be hard to reliably use a shared version of it I'm all for that but I do...

Why are you removing `pkg_check_modules` for zstd? My system does not have a CMake config for zstd 1.5.2. ``` CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:230 (message): Could NOT find zstd: found neither...