Will Smith
Will Smith
Hey all, I've been investigating an issue by Scott Hutchinson reported here: https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/226479/vs-2017-version-1564-freezes-and-crashes-when-addi.html While I was looking at the issue, it appears that SQLProvider is stack overflowing at design time...
I've been messing with memory mapped files lately and realized it will be beneficial to have shadow copies of the IL assemblies for metadata reading. It would free up more...
I don't know if this can be done, but I thought it should be mentioned.
**Description** @markples and I have been working hard on having the ability to write tests that verify code-gen for X64 and ARM64. Our goal is to make writing these tests...
@dsyme and I sat down to document my overall plan for modernizing the way F# and FCS do analysis (Don did most of the writing here). Much of this work...
If you create a function with the same name in two different modules of the same project, you will get an error about there being two delegates.
When using `cstool`, I'm not able to decode ARM64 `luti2` and `luti4` instructions. Here are some examples: Hexcode: `00B02045` Should output: `luti2 z0.b, { z0.b }, z0[0]` But `cstool` fails...
The following instructions are not able to be decoded with `cstool`: - `FMLALB .H, .B, .B[]` - `FMLALT .H, .B, .B[]` - `FMLALLBB .S, .B, .B[]` - `FMLALLBT .S, .B,...
ARM64 Example hex: `00805865` When using cstool, the output is: `fadd z0.h, p0/m, z0.h, #0.0` when it should be: `fadd z0.h, p0/m, z0.h, #0.5` There are more instructions (listed below)...