Szyk Cech

Results 6 issues of Szyk Cech

I created AppImage with my simple programmer editor. Problem is with it that it does not work outside my development enviroment. I created it on distro Ubuntu 18.04 LTS compatible...

Hi First of all: I am amazed by your project! In my opinion there is huge need for true C++ cross platform library (desktop, mobile and embeded). I like every...


At first: Thank you! I am highly inspired by your original CMakeLists.txt. As you probably know Qt will switch to cmake and drop qmake with advent of Qt6. Now I...

Hi I think there is possible to maintain one build script for each library (mean: SDL2 SDL2_gfx SDL2_gui SDL2_image SDL2_mixer SDL2_net SDL2_ttf SDL2_ttf_HarfBuzz) to cover all supported OS-es - it...

I see ugly hack in GUI_Menu class in GUI_Menu::add() function. It sets calback for GUI_MenuItem as lambda with access to GUI_Menu class (in order to set GUI_Menu::selectedItem). This is wrong...

I want to use SDL2_gui library to write my mobile app. But definitelly I need multiline enabled text edit class. I don't know how hard is this task, but I...