SDL_gui copied to clipboard
Cmake build script for most common OS-es
Hi I think there is possible to maintain one build script for each library (mean: SDL2 SDL2_gfx SDL2_gui SDL2_image SDL2_mixer SDL2_net SDL2_ttf SDL2_ttf_HarfBuzz) to cover all supported OS-es - it is standard in C/C++ world. It is realy strange to me why do you attach all those libraries to SDL2_gui library? Do you customize these libraries? If is this posible I would prefer (and recomended) base on "official" releases (eventually: distribute patches with SDL2_gui). If these libraries vary from version to version you can provide links to last supported version (I hope they don't remove old versions from servers).
Secondly: I think is this possible to have one Cmake build script for all supported platforms (form Linuxes through Android, Ios, Mac Os to Windows). Cmake has platform clauses to make it feasible. It is above my current Cmake knowledge but I can get masterity in this field.
I know every of these are feasible, but I must notice: I can't test every supported platforms: I have only: Linux (Kubuntu 18.04 and 19.04), Windows 10 and Android 4.4.
Other noice: my two last reported issues (GUI_Menu and multiline text edit widget) determine sensibility for such effort. In other words I will not improve futher Cmake scripts if those issues will be not solved. But I can offer help in solving these issues.
best regards Szyk Cech
As you rightly pointed out, Cmake is a very difficult and costly technology. Standard in C/C++ world is yml script with OS-images links, dependency installation scripts, build scripts and test scripts IMHO.