> which operating system you are using ? > > Also your processes are being killed / not installed > > ``` > [-] Starting PHP line 423: 55955...
You could use this to run []( on the script. ``` start_localhostrun() { echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Initializing... ${GREEN}( ${CYAN}http://$HOST:$PORT ${GREEN})" { sleep 1; setup_site; } echo -e "\n" echo -e...
> > You could use this to run []( on the script. > > > > ``` > > start_localhostrun() { > > echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Initializing... ${GREEN}( ${CYAN}http://$HOST:$PORT ${GREEN})"...
Can you add Razer Basilisk hyperspeed support?
> I mean I can try if I find some free time but I can't guarantee anything (btw does that mouse even have controllable rub?) - Can you open a...