zphisher icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
zphisher copied to clipboard

This site can’t be reached

Open Sxzzzy opened this issue 2 years ago • 5 comments

Which environment you are using ?

Linux / Desktop

Describe the bug

Screenshot 2023-01-15 at 5 24 19 PM Screenshot 2023-01-15 at 5 25 23 PM Screenshot 2023-01-15 at 5 25 31 PM Screenshot 2023-01-15 at 5 25 43 PM

Provide log output [Optional]

Last login: Sun Jan 15 17:20:55 on ttys001
l@k ~ % cd zphisher.sh
cd: no such file or directory: zphisher.sh
l@k ~ % cd zphisher   
l@k zphisher % sudo bash zphisher.sh
zphisher.sh: line 158: pidof: command not found
zphisher.sh: line 158: pidof: command not found
zphisher.sh: line 158: pidof: command not found
zphisher.sh: line 158: pidof: command not found

[+] Installing required packages...

[+] Packages already installed.

[+] Internet Status : zphisher.sh: line 199: timeout: command not found

[+] Ngrok already installed.

[+] Cloudflared already installed.

[+] LocalXpose already installed.

 ______      _     _     _               
|___  /     | |   (_)   | |              
   / / _ __ | |__  _ ___| |__   ___ _ __ 
  / / | '_ \| '_ \| / __| '_ \ / _ \ '__|
 / /__| |_) | | | | \__ \ | | |  __/ |   
/_____| .__/|_| |_|_|___/_| |_|\___|_|   
      | |                                
      |_|                Version : 2.3.5

[-] Tool Created by htr-tech (tahmid.rayat)

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[01] Localhost
[02] Ngrok.io     [Account Needed]
[03] Cloudflared  [Auto Detects]
[04] LocalXpose   [NEW! Max 15Min]

[-] Select a port forwarding service : 1

[?] Do You Want A Custom Port [y/N]: n

[-] Using Default Port 8080...

[-] Initializing... ( )

[-] Setting up server...

[-] Starting PHP server...zphisher.sh: line 423: 55955 Abort trap: 6           php -S "$HOST":"$PORT" > /dev/null 2>&1

  ░▀▀▀░▀░░░▀░▀░▀▀▀░▀▀▀░▀░▀░▀▀▀░▀░▀ 2.3.5

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Sxzzzy avatar Jan 15 '23 23:01 Sxzzzy

which operating system you are using ?

Also your processes are being killed / not installed

[-] Starting PHP server...zphisher.sh: line 423: 55955 Abort trap: 6           php -S "$HOST":"$PORT" > /dev/null 2>&1

make sure you have pidof , timeout & php installed.. That should be installed on the follwing os https://github.com/htr-tech/zphisher#tested-on

htr-tech avatar Jan 16 '23 16:01 htr-tech

which operating system you are using ?

Also your processes are being killed / not installed

[-] Starting PHP server...zphisher.sh: line 423: 55955 Abort trap: 6           php -S "$HOST":"$PORT" > /dev/null 2>&1

make sure you have pidof , timeout & php installed.. That should be installed on the follwing os https://github.com/htr-tech/zphisher#tested-on

Im using MacOS Ventura, after modifiying the bash script i was able to get everything working

Sxzzzy avatar Jan 16 '23 18:01 Sxzzzy

You could use this to run Localhost.run on the script.

start_localhostrun() {
	echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Initializing... ${GREEN}( ${CYAN}http://$HOST:$PORT ${GREEN})"
    { sleep 1; setup_site; }
    echo -e "\n"
    echo -e "\n\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Launching localhost.run..."
    sleep 2 && ssh -R 80:localhost:$PORT ssh.localhost.run &
    sleep 8
    localhostrun_url=$(curl -s -N https://$HOST.localhost.run)
    custom_url "$localhostrun_url"

Sxzzzy avatar Jan 16 '23 19:01 Sxzzzy

You could use this to run Localhost.run on the script.

start_localhostrun() {
	echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Initializing... ${GREEN}( ${CYAN}http://$HOST:$PORT ${GREEN})"
    { sleep 1; setup_site; }
    echo -e "\n"
    echo -e "\n\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Launching localhost.run..."
    sleep 2 && ssh -R 80:localhost:$PORT ssh.localhost.run &
    sleep 8
    localhostrun_url=$(curl -s -N https://$HOST.localhost.run)
    custom_url "$localhostrun_url"

Hi im having the same problem could you tell me how to make this where is the localhost.run

ProgrammerAgent avatar Jan 30 '23 02:01 ProgrammerAgent

You could use this to run Localhost.run on the script.

start_localhostrun() {
	echo -e "\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Initializing... ${GREEN}( ${CYAN}http://$HOST:$PORT ${GREEN})"
    { sleep 1; setup_site; }
    echo -e "\n"
    echo -e "\n\n${RED}[${WHITE}-${RED}]${GREEN} Launching localhost.run..."
    sleep 2 && ssh -R 80:localhost:$PORT ssh.localhost.run &
    sleep 8
    localhostrun_url=$(curl -s -N https://$HOST.localhost.run)
    custom_url "$localhostrun_url"

Hi im having the same problem could you tell me how to make this where is the localhost.run

Just go to https://localhost.run the above code is just an example code that he can implement into ZPhisher for local host to be an option

Sxzzzy avatar Jan 30 '23 12:01 Sxzzzy