Torleif Berger

Results 49 issues of Torleif Berger

Getting another exception on some log-files. Here is the content of one that does: ``` 2012-04-10 06:30:21 --- ERROR: HTTP_Exception_404 [ 404 ]: The requested URL tag/announcement was not found...

I get an exception if the logs directory is empty. > ErrorException [ Notice ]: Undefined variable: months > MODPATH\logviewer\views\logs\monthlist.php [ 5 ] Fixed it by changing line 5 in...

When viewing markdown files with *Markdown (Github) (Naomi)*, URLs doesn't seem to be handled at all, and URLs containing hashes gets the hash highlighted as it was a level 1...


Decided to use naomi for my syntax highlighting, and to keep Sublime clean, I decided to remove babel and such. But now I no longer have any highlighting for JSON...

Would be nice if this could be used for display only too. What a user enters into an input field, often needs to be displayed somewhere else later. ```tsx //...

**Describe the bug** I want to add an image as a background that should fill the whole page. When doing so, it does seem to work, but I'm getting this...


Don't remember the exact rule, but I believe there is a WCAG requirement that error messages should refer to the name of the field it's about. I.e. `Field is required`...


I'm trying to use `zod` and `react-hook-form` together, and find it a bit difficult to deal setting `defaultValues` in a way that makes both `react-hook-form`, `typescript` _and_ the actual schema...


When adding translations to my global errorMap function, I ran into an issue with the `enum` type. ```ts const s = z.enum(['Red', 'Green', 'Blue']); console.log(s.safeParse(null)); ``` This produces a `ZodError`...


Would it be possible to show any more status than is displayed currently? For me it just says "Queuing", which I assume means the sync is in a queue? But...