Torleif Berger

Results 62 comments of Torleif Berger

@Keysox Think the options are missing `Cypress.ScreenshotOptions`

Don't really see the point of using HOC anymore though. I feel hooks are so much easier to both read, write, and use. 🤔

That's true. But I would still kind of recommend to never write another HOC again, unless it's absolutely necessary...

Shouldn't the keywords (like is usually the case with programming languages) always be in English? Regardless of the language used "around" it?

+1 for `nvm use ` with implied install if not already downloaded.

Confirmed. Just ran into this myself. Quite annoying. 😕 Thought first it was related to the ` being a string literal thing in javascript, which it probably is, but semi-colons...

My suggestion would be to just separate the two. Either a separate hook, or just a separate import like from `swr/suspense` or something like that. That way you could simplify...

Can't you already do that? Doesn't useSWR currently take suspense as an option, which overrides the default config?

> Is there any workaround right now, where I can tell SWR will be guaranteed to be defined, thanks to suspense and error boundaries? Best solution now is probably to...

Couldn't this be done just by splitting things up? * If requests are not dependent on each other, they can be done in separate components. * If they are dependent,...