Active-SLAM-with-Cartographer copied to clipboard
This work contains a modified version of cartographer_frontier_detection and rrt_exploration. We implement an active exploration process and improve its robustness and performance. More details are de...
Active SLAM with Cartograher
This work contains a modified version of cartographer_frontier_detection and rrt_exploration. We implement an active exploration process and improve its robustness and performance. More details are described in the paper "Frontier Detection and Reachability Analysis for Efficient 2D Graph-SLAM Based Active Exploration" (IROS2020).
1. Requirements
The package has been tested on Ubuntu16.04 with ROS Kinetic. It is known that apt-get install kuboki will cause errors in ROS Melodic.
I provide a detailed docker installation procedure in my-docke-env.
2. Usage
I have provided several available launch files:
roslaunch cartographer_ros playbag.launch
(Note that the default lidar topic is ‘/scan’)
roslaunch cartographer_ros carto_gazebo.launch
(The robot explores in the simulation environment。 TODO: adjust the move_base parameters)
roslaunch cartographer_ros carto_movebase.launch
(Standard SLAM with navigation)
roslaunch cartographer_ros simple_move.launch
(Send a virtual void map, only call move_base)
roslaunch cartographer_ros turtlebot_hokuyo.launch
(The robot explores in the real environment。 TODO: adjust the move_base parameters)
3. Updates
master: Migrate code to turtlebot2. (2020.08.15)
branch: Paper Version == tags v1.0
4. Lisence
The source code is released under GPLv3 license.
We are still working on improving the code reliability. For any technical issues, please contact Zezhou Sun ([email protected]) or Banghe Wu ([email protected]).