It has been reported that Multi-vendors can only add items to their first page. Items added to other pages are deleted. While adding it does not give any error but...
If multiple players are gambling with different currency types (copper, silver, gold) simultaneously, the currency type will change for each player to the last type of currency gambled. This module...
There are a ton of bugs in all holiday events in every core. Some cores, such as TrinityCore, have more complete holiday content than others like AzerothCore. In any case,...
Here are all of the issues I've opened for the AzerothCore project. I'm not going to duplicate these here. All new issues will be posted here first while I investigate...
There are a few farms that are not populated with NPCs/Objects. In a case like this, in addition to updating these places to be Blizzlike for 3.3.5a, adding updates from...
The Item: The Buff: The Pa'troll Badge In Zul'Drak, one of the questlines involving the Argent Crusade, Pa'Troll, you need to go through four Argent Crusade settlements and...
The dragons don't fly in the correct patterns and their speed is not the same.