Tyler Stiene

Results 12 comments of Tyler Stiene

Nate, We tried the build. Looks good. A quick summary Local Lan Test (Down/Up Mbits/s from Windows perspective) Windows Linux Direct Iperf - 800/800 1.5 - 40/9 26c1229b219160f7dc868ead5958d6a448f75973 - ~180/~180...

You are correct on all points, when I built the library I was just addressing my use case for large files and the stream interface was the logical interface. I...

Hey namtsui, good to see you again. Never tested this with the discord bitrate turned up. I could take a look at this weekend. Not fond of the idea of...

Good find. Clearly, something is invalid with the packet being received. If we only guard the if statement then an empty packet is passed into MDB which in turn is...

Hey @namtsui I have the patch lined up for Discrodgo before I create the PR mind testing make sure I didn't miss anything? The MDB branch that has the discrodgo...

Ya, I would like to build it eventually. Any requests on how you would like it to work?

Ah, interesting. If you want to bridge only text between discord text channel or mumble text channel and IRC, you might want to check out https://github.com/42wim/matterbridge. I haven't tested it...

Would be possible. What underlying problem(s) are you trying to solve. Better presences awareness?

Hmmm. This one is going to be difficult to solve. I only typically see the toMumble buffer fill up when the connection between the bridge and the mumble server is...

Looked a little deeper into your issue this weekend. I have a couple of thoughts. First, the word "buffer" in your first error message is a lie. The goroutine that...