
Results 6 issues of Steveis

@bennuttall @waveform80 @lurch I am writing a class to control the following remote control sockets from Maplin: They need a 433MHz transmitter to operate them. You can buy these...


When you enter the watch face menu, it will take you to the second page if your current watch face is the one that is active. I thought it was...

The title of the page is Watch face so I felt the word face added to the watch face name is a little redundant and will save some space if...

While running a coding club, we had a large number of crashes on all RPi's. To recreate the issue, drag a 'wait 1 sec' block to the canvas and change...

Therefore, if the host has more than one Nordic chip in its bluetooth cache, it's pot luck which device it tries to connect to (since it automatically connects to the...