My application is crashing on a instruction in Julia 0.6.2 running in Linux. It works fine in Windows. Unfortunately, I have not been able create a MWE; so far...
Something is wrong with the dependencies of the master branch. This error does not occur with the release branch. I am not familiar enough with the Pkg system to debug...
As of #787, the iterators for the sorted containers have been unified into a single framework that handles all three containers, full containers or subranges, keys/values/both, tokens/semitokens, and forward/reverse. There...
The sorted container constructors for the case that the types are not explicitly specified copy the data three times. Jameson Nash here explained a better way to do this...
In PR #787, which was merged yesterday, the documentation for sorted containers is rewritten extensively using Documenter.jl. However, the documentation updates are not yet pushed here: and I don't...
There is a big discussion ( on discourse about why it is a bad idea to iterate over an `AbstractVector`, say `a`, using `for i=1:length(a)` (because this will fail if...
A number of Julia users including me have been stung by unexpected behavior in the `searchsorted` suite of functions in Base, namely, that the `by` transformation is applied also to...
SortedDict currently does not implement the Base functions `mergewith` and `mergewith!`. So `mergewith` of two SortedDicts treats them both as AbstractDict and returns a Dict instead of a SortedDict. Additional...
To @staticfloat I was not able to run `Pkg.add("JLD")` in the recent 0.7.0-alpha. An error arose in `Homebrew.jl`. Here is an excerpt from `build.log` in the `deps` subfolder: ``` WARNING:...
Installation of the package "Blosc" by @stevengj failed on my Centos 6.8 linux cluster under Julia 0.4.6. It works now (sort of) with help from Steven, but there is still...