Hi, I suspect that the text and navigation aren't part of the element - they're probably marked up as separate elements. But I don't think you need to get into...
Hi there, I think we can deal with the question of how to use session timeouts separately from the question of how/when to warn users that the timeout is going...
Suggested addition - only display one error message at time. Write your validation script so it displays error messages in a logical order, eg if (field is blank) {then display...
There's some guidance on writing error messages here: And some more general guidance on writing for user interfaces here:
There's some nuance here that might be worth covering, either in the design system or service manual. It's fairly common for services to ask for information that's not essential, but...
I wonder if we need a pattern for this, given that there's guidance in the service manual?
I think this is definitely something worth talking about. Our patterns, guidance and processes tend to focus on some use cases at the expense of others. For example - -...
## Working group review: helping users to recover from errors (validation) On 13 February 2020 the Design System working group approved this new pattern. We made lots of small changes...
@adamsilver @whatterz sorry, that's my fault. Will post something more detailed tomorrow - and happy to follow up with a chat if that's useful.
Here's a a more detailed summary of the recommendations and responses. Sorry about the delay @adamsilver @whatterz. ## Working group review: helping users to recover from errors (validation) On 13...