Stephane Dallongeville

Results 30 comments of Stephane Dallongeville

The docker is made for *nix systems only, SGDK is native for Windows so you don't need to use Docker build here. I guess it fails when trying to execute...

I just merged your MR ! As i'm using windows, I never tested the docker script myself so thanks a lot for having sorted that issue out !

I never experienced the problem using make from command line so i guess here is something wrong in the way makefile project are handled in VS2022. The makefile does copy...

Was never able to reproduce it, probably an issue from VS2022 interrupting make script aggressively ?

I think this issue has already been fixed. Can you try to replace your bin/rescomp.jar file by the one from the git repository and check if it still happens ?...

Didn't saw your reply. I checked and fixed it for good this time ! Sorry for the long awaited time for that !

Thanks for the example, i have also 2 files sitting there so i can make some tests with them. I will try to add that for the next version of...

This syntax: SHELL?=$(BIN)/sh does not seem to be supported by all make tools, at least it does not work on mine. Is there any alternative and more generic syntax for...

I just spent a whole day trying to configure SGDK with NetBeans without any success :-/ If someone is able to manage it (without installing externals and useless apps as...

Thanks ! Good to know we can do it that way :)