Basically before JAGS you had a fixed time after retriving a static weapon from garage, within that time you could move asset like you do with the caja (arsenal). Since...
saw it, they had waypoint to the AA outpost in pyrgos gulf, they were facing the sea and couln't move from spawn location (they spawned ok)
yes, go north, then west trough gravia and then south to pyrgos then to the AA outpost
Can be an idea MooseAteJack... i'll look into it. Triada it isn't only that... it's needed for the current check on switching. The otherway around would be change all the... Applied by this. Let's see if it require an extra balance... For istance i'd say that heal repair and rearm should check how much fuel there is, and if
From my measurement: vanilla truck and littlebird both with setfuel 0.1 can travel for 40km regardless the difference one is helo and the other is a truck. in termns of...
Tested RHS Mi-8 with 0.1 = 33km for a total 10min of travel... ok i set helos to 0.2
Good point Sparker, then i'm setting it to 60%, more than enough i think
Right now it works for vehicle purchased for some enemy vehicles it doesn't work for civilians, regardless i added the fuel reduction both in civVEHinit.sqm and createciv.sqf... need help!
Fixed civi fuel ACE give values on fuel: setfuelcargo = 0.01 = 2000 liters and a sport car empty took 60 liters to be filled. I'll start with this...