that's a long series of Chirs scripts which i never really checked in. As far i can see there is in the code, active only for some missions, another qrf...
So, regardless the fn_QRF_RTB.sqf In combinedca.sqf there is already this line which should despawn enemies once the attack is done. And it will by checking theese: so ofcourse...
I solved the part of them not attacking, however it's horrible how they behave, they loiter around without the clue they're actually assaulting an objective.
With RHS they fly around and hardly be able to shoot on place of attack, but they'll indeed burst whatever they can like players coming in from outside :P or,...
Ofcourse, they were never loitering properly. I can't fix RHS stuff, i can tweak the height and the speed tho
Negative, the first one is intended: UPSMON initialization let pass the param "NOVEH2" which prevent AI to man vehicles (staticweapons included) otherwise they'll mount vehicles and roam with them, or...
the function isn't completed :(
The point is: gaining FIA level = spend money.... it's bad imho, those costs were invented by me on the fly, not even sure if they're proportioned at all. I...