I like this! Maybe when 0.2 is released we can run a test on my servers and i'll try to gather more people as possible. I'll try to compare the...
I've a solution for this: check here you just need a function to load boxes to vehicle et voila... that is how i deliver supplies... I think this...
Restarted without Battleye, i'm terribly sorry but at least the Pyrgos and Kavala spawing look working correctly. So please ignore what's above i'm going to do the tests again. -...
ahahah why would Petros kill people? because they killed too many friendlies? ahah. Well another small annoying thing
very weird, he can't toss grenades... was ACE on?
Uhmm i'm not agree about the outpost. My intention was just removing the frontline AI number increase. Infact deciding to spawn them or not based on diag_fps isn't a solid...
True, i think this happened when we made player gears saved on disconnect... probably also garaged vehicles are bounded in the same way. It make sense in multiplayer but indeed...
Referencing Forumpost:
It's not causing any evident issue anyway
who is working on this? not me