I am following the instructions here to install a pack for for STM32G071RB: https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/boards/arm/nucleo_g071rb/doc/index.html Running `pyocd pack -u` gives the error below: ```000289:INFO:__main__:Updating pack index... May 11 12:25:04.188 WARN invalid...
Hi, I am using CANopenNode v2 in a multithreaded application on ESP32. At the moment, I am using queues to pass information to the main CANopen thread which changes the...
I'm trying to connect to azure using NB-IoT I've successfully used NB-IoT for http GET and POST requests, but the connection to azure never succeeds, even with a 45 min...
I've noticed experimentally that within the device twin callback, delays cause crashes. However, within direct method callback, this seems to not be the case. Is it bad practice to have...
Hiya, Can you explain the system model that you use for [the convergence test](https://github.com/m-lundberg/simple-pid/blob/master/tests/test_pid.py)? I don't really understand what this system is supposed to represent. ```python def update_system(c, dt): #...