
Results 10 issues of spectatorMrZ


下拉刷新 好像在进行一个死循环操作 请求结束之后将headerRefreshing 设置为 false 不知道是不是 scroll没回跳 导致直接进入刷新状态

访问接口请求IP数据就报错空指针 已注释 feiyi ip89

查看文档好像只有添加item之类的 方法 没有找到如何修改 More Control Layer 的样式 倍速播放 修改范围


```swift // course view source let courseViewSource = ClosureViewSource { (view: StudyCar2CouseView, data: StudyCarCourseListModel, index: Int) in view.model = data view.tapBtn = { model in self.tapApplyCourse

### Issue Description 常用属性名称冲突 导致项目报错 #### Description 依赖EFFoundation 常用属性名称冲突 导致项目报错 比如 width height 不方便现有项目引入 #### Reproduce 建议EF 自有扩展 以 Rx 和 Kingfiser 一样的 base 方式实现 for example: view.ef.width view.ef.height

## The following informations are requested in a bug report * A brief bug description. Select the date to get one day less than the displayed time for example: didSelect...

Support parameter not set custom exception replace ``` field age is not set ``` to custom error such as internationalization support ``` - zh 年龄没有设置 - en age not set...


### Is there an existing issue for this? - [X] I have searched the existing issues ### Which Component AutoComplete ### Semi Version 2.34.2 ### Current Behavior When AutoComplete uses...