Karl Lopez

Results 12 comments of Karl Lopez

@Michaelvilleneuve Hi, when will be the support for RN >0.60? :)

This is is still happening when you animate the `blurRadius` prop

Any updates? The official relay-devtools is not working as expected on React Native.

@9paradox Have you tried adding this on your `build.gradle`, instead of manually updating the package's `build.gradle` ```gradle subprojects { subproject -> afterEvaluate{ if((subproject.plugins.hasPlugin('android') || subproject.plugins.hasPlugin('android-library'))) { android { compileSdkVersion rootProject.ext.compileSdkVersion...

@xotahal I have a test repo for Github Actions and Fastlane. For example, I have the following commits in PR. ``` chore: boilerplate fix: add sample component feat: internal release...

@xotahal This is still an issue for me, locally `analyze_commits` returns true and properly parse the commits, but on CI(github actions), `analyze_commits` returns `false`. EDIT: This is an initial release,...

> In case anyone is using redux-toolkit I did, the way worked for me > > ``` > import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit' > import authReducer from '../features/auth/authSlice'; >...

Any updates on this, guys? I am also experiencing this issue.

@mohebifar Hi, any updates on this?

@sibelius ``` Type '{ readonly " $fragmentRefs": FragmentRefs; } | null' is not assignable to type '_FragmentRefs'. Type 'null' is not assignable to type '_FragmentRefs'.ts(2322) TodoList.tsx(8, 3): The expected type...