First submission to fix - #193
This one seems to be fixed from my testing.
Maybe let the resistance steal the resupply as a second option to destroying it? I think supplies for player should be triggered by players and delivered by players as well....
I would actually imagine the closest one would be the QRF force that comes from a base to a location where the player just assaulted. Large portions of that code...
reference to #114
Hi, You can temporarily fix the issue by disabling the ACE AI revive all together by adding this into aceSettings.hpp in the root folder of the mission: ``` class ace_medical_enableUnconsciousnessAI...
#188 This is most likely tied together upon further inspection. As bases and other enemy units spawn in without any issues. This only happens with AA outposts.
So what I personally have to do to access curator is to use console in ESC menu to assign curator module to player after init. The identity of the player...
> define location to place order (flag poles?) I would probably go with a laptop on a table spawned in the HQ composition. As far as the mechanics behind the...
As far as the shoreline position for boat entry goes this could be helpful: [BIS_fnc_findSafePos](