Javien Lee
Javien Lee
Currently, custom `MiddlewareParams` is being used, but this makes an type error: `Property 'model' is optional in type 'MiddlewareParams' but required in type 'MiddlewareParams'.` because Prisma only have to use...
Currently type of `excludeModels` is `string[]`, to use `Prisma.ModelName[]`, we can ensure right input
The string type found in the union is not coded properly. For example, the type `AxiosAdapterName` is currently declared as: ```ts type AxiosAdapterName = 'xhr' | 'http' | string; ```...
### What version of Bun is running? 1.1.27-canary.3+7529cd76b ### What platform is your computer? _No response_ ### What steps can reproduce the bug? Promisified `crypto.generateKeyPair` is supposed to return a...
As you can see the colored lines are not displayed when sticky scroll is enabled. Can we add even in sticky part? 
Currently, only string or string array types can be used as secret values. https://github.com/expressjs/cookie-parser/blob/429cfd4bcfa66f6578af890d83d5c88be1144245/index.js#L33 But [cookie-signature](https://github.com/tj/node-cookie-signature/blob/3bb06287758c8067c9fda55c8d4adea3422bd8ed/index.js#L11) allows not only `string`, but also `ArrayBufferView`(`TypedArray`, `DataView`), and `crypto.KeyObject`. The secret is for...