Ethan This is as good as you'll get. I'll try to remember to update this in my fork when I get a chance tomorrow.
That's because mech-and-cow was just an ascii picture, rather than a proper .cow file. It needed some slashes escaped and a variable declaration added. I fixed it in my fork...
I also seem to be stuck here. `window.__backboneAgent.isBackboneDetected` returns `true`, and `window.__backboneAgent.appComponentsInfos['View']` seems to find the models on the page. Here's my extremely stripped down code that still seems stuck:...
I cannot share the entire code because some parts of it cannot leave the company. Also, I can't access the project right now as I am on vacation, but as...
Okay, this should be everything needed to reproduce the issue. main.js ``` var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({ routes: { "" : "getServerList", ":environment" : "getServerList", */}, initialize: function () { $typesContainer...
Weird. I don't think I had those versions of those libraries in use, but I intended on updating them anyways (looking at overhauling this app all together), so I'm going...
Issue seems to be the same. I only ever get "Waiting for Backbone". The URLs I'm using to access this page are like this: `file://localhost/Users/username/testdir/backboneapptest/index.html` `file://localhost/Users/username/testdir/backboneapptest/index.html#2`
I'm fresh out of ideas then. I guess I'll just have to do without for this app. Oh well, thanks for all the help regardless! Hopefully this issue's something very...
I've just fixed this on my fork. All I did was grab the block of code that used to support emacs before it was reverted, so there may be some...
I realize this is quite an old issue by now, but my recent fork fixes this