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mech-and-cow file crashes cowsay
It looks like something's wrong with the mech-and-cow file.
I ran this command:
cowsay -f 'mech-and-cow' hello
The result was this error:
Backticks found where operator expected at /usr/local/share/cows/mech-and-cow line 12, near >"^__^ / /'|
" (Might be a runaway multi-line``string starting on line 10) (Missing semicolon on previous line?) Backslash found where operator expected at /usr/local/share/cows/mech-and-cow line 13, near ")\" (Missing operator before \?) Backticks found where operator expected at /usr/local/share/cows/mech-and-cow line 15, at end of line (Missing semicolon on previous line?) cowsay: Can't find string terminator "
" anywhere before EOF at /usr/local/share/cows/mech-and-cow line 15.
That's because mech-and-cow was just an ascii picture, rather than a proper .cow file. It needed some slashes escaped and a variable declaration added. I fixed it in my fork and submitted a pull request. You could also just download mech-and-cow.cow from my repo and put it in the proper place yourself (and remove the original mech-and-cow)