Rustam Safin

Results 12 comments of Rustam Safin

Let me describe the same issue for me. When libgit2 tries to get status of files (modified or not), library compares mtime/ctime flags from index to folder's attributes. If folder...

That issue was not on my own computer. Git version is something like 2.10. We started to monitor file system with Process Monitor ( On "bad" computer there only records...

We clone repository from remote TFS repository.

> something is touching that filestamp on disk so that it doesn't match the cache. I had that idea too but I don't know what modifies timestamps on disk. Is...

`git status --debug` on my machine: ``` ... env/DefaultTemplates/en-US/MS Excel template/MS Excel template.json ctime: 1510654479:766007800 mtime: 1510654479:766007800 dev: 0 ino: 0 uid: 0 gid: 0 size: 138 flags: 0 ......

On weekdays I've tried to connect to my work machine via `ssh -X` from my home laptop with ubuntu 12.04 installed and run some enable applications. There were no errors.

I have found solution, but don't know what exactly of this helps : 1. Get old libfreetype6 packages from Ubuntu 12.04 and install them. 2. Delete all `build` folders inside...

Today I've tried to upgrade my home laptop from 12.04 to 12.10. Kiva doesn't want to work with libfreetype6 v2.4.10

If you use library classes and not using any UI/XAML, the problem could be solved by disabling the compilation of XAML: `false`

Yeah, I tried to rewrite TeamWords using Qt 5.6 but seems that WebEngine does not support webkit plugins that are needed for notifications