Avalonia copied to clipboard
Random VS/Mac compile failures for sharing violation
MacOS Big Sur 11.1 Visual Studio for Mac 8.8.5 (build 18) Avalonia 0.9.12
About a quarter of the time after correcting a syntax error that caused a build failure, the next build attempt fails with the following message:
/Users/t/.nuget/packages/avalonia/0.9.12/build/AvaloniaBuildTasks.targets(5,5): Error MSB4018: The "CompileAvaloniaXamlTask" task failed unexpectedly. System.IO.IOException: Sharing violation on path /Users/t/Projects/PhotoViewer/obj/Debug/netcoreapp5.0/osx-x64/Avalonia/original.pdb at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, System.IO.FileMode mode, System.IO.FileAccess access, System.IO.FileShare share, System.Int32 bufferSize, System.Boolean anonymous, System.IO.FileOptions options) [0x00259] in /Users/builder/jenkins/workspace/build-package-osx-mono/2020-02/external/bockbuild/builds/mono-x64/mcs/class/corlib/System.IO/FileStream.cs:274 at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, System.IO.FileMode mode, System.IO.FileAccess access, System.IO.FileShare share, System.Int32 bufferSize, System.IO.FileOptions options) [0x00000] in /Users/builder/jenkins/workspace/build-package-osx-mono/2020-02/external/bockbuild/builds/mono-x64/mcs/class/corlib/System.IO/FileStream.cs:106 at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.IO.FileStream..ctor(string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare,int,System.IO.FileOptions) at System.IO.FileSystem.CopyFile (System.String sourceFullPath, System.String destFullPath, System.Boolean overwrite) [0x00035] in /Users/builder/jenkins/workspace/build-package-osx-mono/2020-02/external/bockbuild/builds/mono-x64/external/corefx/src/System.IO.FileSystem/src/System/IO/FileSystem.Unix.cs:55 at System.IO.File.Copy (System.String sourceFileName, System.String destFileName, System.Boolean overwrite) [0x00056] in /Users/builder/jenkins/workspace/build-package-osx-mono/2020-02/external/bockbuild/builds/mono-x64/external/corefx/src/System.IO.FileSystem/src/System/IO/File.cs:74 at Avalonia.Build.Tasks.CompileAvaloniaXamlTask.Execute () [0x00074] in D:\a\1\s\src\Avalonia.Build.Tasks\CompileAvaloniaXamlTask.cs:29 at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskExecutionHost.Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.ITaskExecutionHost.Execute () [0x00023] in /Users/builder/jenkins/workspace/build-package-osx-mono-pullrequest/pr/external/bockbuild/builds/msbuild-15/src/Build/BackEnd/TaskExecutionHost/TaskExecutionHost.cs:577 at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskBuilder.ExecuteInstantiatedTask (Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.ITaskExecutionHost taskExecutionHost, Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.Logging.TaskLoggingContext taskLoggingContext, Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskHost taskHost, Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.ItemBucket bucket, Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskExecutionMode howToExecuteTask) [0x002b9] in /Users/builder/jenkins/workspace/build-package-osx-mono-pullrequest/pr/external/bockbuild/builds/msbuild-15/src/Build/BackEnd/Components/RequestBuilder/TaskBuilder.cs:809 (MSB4018) (PhotoViewer)
The only workaround I know of is to close and reopen the project, after which it compiles successfully (if there are no other errors),
Try running lsof
to determine which process is holding the file.
I was able to reproduce the issue when compiling with the /maxCpuCount
flag set on Windows as well
I've seen this too, lsof's reporting mono-sgen
holds the file lock
I'm also seeing this happen. MacOS: 10.15.7 Visual Studio for Mac: 8.10.11 (build 8) Dotnet version: 5.0.402
It does not happen if I build with either "dotnet build" at the command line or if I build with Visual Studio Code. (I think these two are equivalent.)
So there's something different about the way VS/Mac builds vs. VSCode/Command Line.
I'm also seeing this on Linux
dotnet 6.0.201
Just create a new Avalonia cross-platform project by dotnet new avalonia.xplat
and run dotnet run
in the Android project will get this error, but dotnet build
seems to be fine
still getting this error on arch linux 5.19.4 rider /vs code /cli dotnet 6.0.400
im getting this error even on a completely new project anyone found a soultion?
I had a similar error when debug for Android. Host: Win10 Avalonia: 11.0.0-rc1.1 ReactiveUI.Fody: 19.2.1 Rider + .NET 7.0
I was able to fix this error by disabling parallel build (maxCpuCount=1).
I think it happen when using ReactiveUI.Fody packet: it generate for PropertyChanges code for marked [Reactive] attributes properties when build is runing.
Now that we have the CommunityToolkit.MVVM package, the [Reactive]
attribute can be replaced by [ObservableProperty]
which is a source generator and thus seems to perform better in most cases.
If you use library classes and not using any UI/XAML, the problem could be solved by disabling the compilation of XAML:
Disabling "Use ReSharper Build" does fix it on Ubuntu 22.04 / JB Rider / .NET 7.0
I'm getting this on MacOS / Rider / .Net 7 / Android emulator
Simply disabling "Use ReSharper Build" and debug running again did not fix it.
Alternating between Build "Use up to [ 14 ] processes in parallel" VS [ 1 ] does show that 14 triggers the problem
I suppose that would make the build way slower.
It happens at least 50% of the time when I first try to run the app in debug mode. If I then try again to run it succeeds every time I think.
It's very annoying because the debug build cycle is very important for productivity.
AvaloniaBuildTasks.targets(120, 5): [MSB4018] The "CompileAvaloniaXamlTask" task failed unexpectedly.
System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file '/Users/gary/repos/civmec/CivtracSupervisor/AvaloniaInsideShell/src/AvaloniaInside.Shell/obj/Debug/net7.0/Avalonia/original.pdb' because it is being used by another process.
at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileOptions options, Int64 preallocationSize, Int64& fileLength, UnixFileMode& filePermissions)
at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String fullPath, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileOptions options, Int64 preallocationSize, UnixFileMode openPermissions, Int64& fileLength, UnixFileMode& filePermissions, Func`4 createOpenException)
at System.IO.FileSystem.CopyFile(String sourceFullPath, String destFullPath, Boolean overwrite)
at Avalonia.Build.Tasks.CompileAvaloniaXamlTask.Execute() in /_/src/Avalonia.Build.Tasks/CompileAvaloniaXamlTask.cs:line 35
at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskExecutionHost.Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.ITaskExecutionHost.Execute()
at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskBuilder.ExecuteInstantiatedTask(ITaskExecutionHost taskExecutionHost, TaskLoggingContext taskLoggingContext, TaskHost taskHost, ItemBucket bucket, TaskExecutionMode howToExecuteTask)
We have faced with this issue too. To be honest every 3rd compilation pipeline fails on our compilation servers so the working process has stopped with endless reruns. We are in fire with this bug...
C:\Users\<user>\.nuget\packages\avalonia\11.0.4\buildTransitive\AvaloniaBuildTasks.targets(120,5): error MSB4018: непредвиденная ошибка при выполнении задачи "CompileAvaloniaXamlTask".
System.IO.IOException: Процесс не может получить доступ к файлу "obj\.sual\Debug\net7.0\Avalonia\original.pdb", так как этот файл используется другим процессом.
в System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
в System.IO.File.InternalCopy(String sourceFileName, String destFileName, Boolean overwrite, Boolean checkHost)
в Avalonia.Build.Tasks.CompileAvaloniaXamlTask.Execute() в /_/src/Avalonia.Build.Tasks/CompileAvaloniaXamlTask.cs:строка 36
в Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskExecutionHost.Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.ITaskExecutionHost.Execute()
в Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskBuilder.<ExecuteInstantiatedTask>d__26.MoveNext() [<here is the path to failed csproj>]
We can easily reproduce it with the following powershell script
Set-Location 'folder of sln file';
$Iteration = 0;
[System.Console]::WriteLine('Iteration: ' + $Iteration + ', Now: ' + [System.DateTime]::Now);
$MsBuildProcess = Start-Process -WindowStyle Hidden -Wait -PassThru -FilePath 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\MSBuild\Current\Bin\amd64\MSBuild.exe' -ArgumentList ( ' your.sln -bl:your.binlog' );
if($MsBuildProcess.ExitCode -ne 0)
[System.Console]::WriteLine('msbuild fail!');
exit $MsBuildProcess.ExitCode;
$Iteration += 1;
wait for this script will finish with msbuild fail
and take a look inside your.binlog
(by using an appropriate utility).
As I can understand, we see some kind of race condition at the line https://github.com/AvaloniaUI/Avalonia/blob/master/src/Avalonia.Build.Tasks/CompileAvaloniaXamlTask.cs#L35
where OriginalCopyPath
is $(IntermediateOutputPath)/Avalonia/original.dll
and that file is being used by another process
. what is the process which locked that file?!.. it is a hard problem for avalonia-newbie... @kekekeks, ask you as assignee, any ideas, tips?
@kekekeks @maxkatz6 or other maintainers: here is almost 100% repro , the root cause is the multilply root
projects, all of them is referencing (via others csprojes) to BBBBBB
project, and BBBBBB
project fails with
C:\Users\<username>\.nuget\packages\avalonia\11.0.4\buildTransitive\AvaloniaBuildTasks.targets(120,5): error MSB4018: непредвиденная ошибка при выполнении задачи "CompileAvaloniaXamlTask".
System.IO.IOException: Процесс не может получить доступ к файлу "obj\Debug\net7.0\Avalonia\original.pdb", так как этот файл используется другим процессом.
в System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
в System.IO.File.InternalCopy(String sourceFileName, String destFileName, Boolean overwrite, Boolean checkHost)
в Avalonia.Build.Tasks.CompileAvaloniaXamlTask.Execute() в /_/src/Avalonia.Build.Tasks/CompileAvaloniaXamlTask.cs:строка 36
в Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskExecutionHost.Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.ITaskExecutionHost.Execute()
в Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskBuilder.<ExecuteInstantiatedTask>d__26.MoveNext() [master_A2Z\src\A2Z\BBBBBB\BBBBBB.csproj]
Interestingly, compilation inside VS is completely fine, so one needs to compile from command line to see the bug. Here is repro powershell script:
Set-Location 'path to master_A2Z folder';
$RestoreProcess = Start-Process -WindowStyle Hidden -PassThru -FilePath 'dotnet' -ArgumentList ( ' restore A2Z.sln ' );
Wait-Process -InputObject $RestoreProcess;
$Iteration = 0;
[System.Console]::WriteLine('Iteration: ' + $Iteration + ', Now: ' + [System.DateTime]::Now);
# probably you will need to change this msbuild path
$MsBuildProcess = Start-Process -WindowStyle Hidden -PassThru -FilePath 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\MSBuild\Current\Bin\amd64\MSBuild.exe' -ArgumentList ( ' A2Z.sln /v:quiet /bl:mk.binlog /maxcpucount:1 /p:BuildInParallel=false' );
Wait-Process -InputObject $MsBuildProcess;
if($MsBuildProcess.ExitCode -ne 0)
[System.Console]::WriteLine('msbuild fail!');
exit $MsBuildProcess.ExitCode;
$Iteration += 1;
running this, I see the following:
PS C:\temp> .\msbuild_mk.ps1
Iteration: 0, Now: 10/29/2023 12:33:42
msbuild fail!
or rarely this:
PS C:\temp> .\msbuild_mk.ps1
Iteration: 0, Now: 10/29/2023 12:26:08
Iteration: 1, Now: 10/29/2023 12:32:07
msbuild fail!
looking at MSBuild Structured Log Viewer
I see this error.
here is Process Monitor log
13:01:18,3088972 MSBuild.exe 142976 IRP_MJ_CREATE C:\<here is the path>\master_A2Z\src\A2Z\BBBBBB\obj\Debug\net7.0\Avalonia\original.pdb SHARING VIOLATION Desired Access: Generic Read/Write, Delete, Write DAC, Disposition: OverwriteIf, Options: Sequential Access, Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: A, ShareMode: None, AllocationSize: 10 676
13:01:18,3092621 MSBuild.exe 142976 IRP_MJ_CREATE C:\<here is the path>\master_A2Z\src\A2Z\BBBBBB\obj\Debug\net7.0\Avalonia\original.pdb SHARING VIOLATION Desired Access: Generic Write, Read Data/List Directory, Read Attributes, Delete, Write DAC, Disposition: OverwriteIf, Options: Sequential Access, Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: A, ShareMode: None, AllocationSize: 10 676
13:01:18,3096137 MSBuild.exe 142976 IRP_MJ_CREATE C:\<here is the path>\master_A2Z\src\A2Z\BBBBBB\obj\Debug\net7.0\Avalonia\original.pdb SHARING VIOLATION Desired Access: Generic Write, Read Attributes, Delete, Write DAC, Disposition: OverwriteIf, Options: Sequential Access, Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: A, ShareMode: None, AllocationSize: 10 676
13:01:18,3099288 MSBuild.exe 142976 IRP_MJ_CREATE C:\<here is the path>\master_A2Z\src\A2Z\BBBBBB\obj\Debug\net7.0\Avalonia\original.pdb SHARING VIOLATION Desired Access: Generic Write, Read Data/List Directory, Read Attributes, Delete, Write DAC, Disposition: OverwriteIf, Options: Sequential Access, Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: A, ShareMode: Read, Write, AllocationSize: 10 676
13:01:18,3102536 MSBuild.exe 142976 IRP_MJ_CREATE C:\<here is the path>\master_A2Z\src\A2Z\BBBBBB\obj\Debug\net7.0\Avalonia\original.pdb SHARING VIOLATION Desired Access: Generic Write, Read Data/List Directory, Read Attributes, Delete, Write DAC, Disposition: OverwriteIf, Options: Sequential Access, Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: A, ShareMode: Read, Write, AllocationSize: 10 676
13:01:18,3105866 MSBuild.exe 142976 IRP_MJ_CREATE C:\<here is the path>\master_A2Z\src\A2Z\BBBBBB\obj\Debug\net7.0\Avalonia\original.pdb SHARING VIOLATION Desired Access: Generic Write, Read Attributes, Delete, Write DAC, Disposition: OverwriteIf, Options: Sequential Access, Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: A, ShareMode: Read, Write, AllocationSize: 10 676
13:01:18,3109093 MSBuild.exe 142976 IRP_MJ_CREATE C:\<here is the path>\master_A2Z\src\A2Z\BBBBBB\obj\Debug\net7.0\Avalonia\original.pdb SHARING VIOLATION Desired Access: Generic Write, Read Data/List Directory, Read Attributes, Write DAC, Disposition: OverwriteIf, Options: Sequential Access, Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: A, ShareMode: Read, Write, AllocationSize: 10 676
13:01:18,3113714 MSBuild.exe 142976 IRP_MJ_CREATE C:\<here is the path>\master_A2Z\src\A2Z\BBBBBB\obj\Debug\net7.0\Avalonia\original.pdb SHARING VIOLATION Desired Access: Generic Write, Read Data/List Directory, Read Attributes, Write DAC, Disposition: OverwriteIf, Options: Sequential Access, Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: A, ShareMode: Read, Write, AllocationSize: 10 676
13:01:18,3118344 MSBuild.exe 142976 IRP_MJ_CREATE C:\<here is the path>\master_A2Z\src\A2Z\BBBBBB\obj\Debug\net7.0\Avalonia\original.pdb SHARING VIOLATION Desired Access: Generic Write, Read Attributes, Write DAC, Disposition: OverwriteIf, Options: Sequential Access, Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: A, ShareMode: Read, Write, AllocationSize: 10 676
13:01:23,1389123 MSBuild.exe 142976 IRP_MJ_CLEANUP C:\<here is the path>\master_A2Z\src\A2Z\BBBBBB\obj\Debug\net7.0\Avalonia\original.pdb SUCCESS
13:01:23,1389723 MSBuild.exe 142976 IRP_MJ_CLOSE C:\<here is the path>\master_A2Z\src\A2Z\BBBBBB\obj\Debug\net7.0\Avalonia\original.pdb SUCCESS
13:01:23,4386530 System 4 FASTIO_ACQUIRE_FOR_SECTION_SYNCHRONIZATION C:\<here is the path>\master_A2Z\src\A2Z\BBBBBB\obj\Debug\net7.0\Avalonia\original.pdb SUCCESS SyncType: SyncTypeOther
13:01:23,4387064 System 4 IRP_MJ_CLOSE C:\<here is the path>\master_A2Z\src\A2Z\BBBBBB\obj\Debug\net7.0\Avalonia\original.pdb SUCCESS
if I read this correctly, MSBuild conflicts with itself (PTAL on /maxcpucount:1 /p:BuildInParallel=false
in powershell script).
I hope any maintainer will take a look here, because this is very difficult problem for those who faced it. We are going to perform autorerun if building fails and original.pdb
contains in build log, but our compilation cluster will degrade severely because of this.
Please let me know if you will need any info\support.
Please let us know if this issue is solved in the latest master (or future releases). This issue isn't reproducible on our machines, and we only can guess that it could be due to different GC releasing file handles at different times (VS Mac/Resharper Mono GC vs CoreCLR GC). Recent PR should make releasing file handles a solved issue.
@maxkatz6 I switch my repro sln to the version 11.1.999-cibuild0041387-beta
and see the following log
PS C:\temp> .\msbuild_mk.ps1
Iteration: 0, Now: 10/31/2023 08:53:59
Iteration: 1, Now: 10/31/2023 08:54:37
Iteration: 2, Now: 10/31/2023 08:55:00
Iteration: 3, Now: 10/31/2023 08:55:27
Iteration: 4, Now: 10/31/2023 08:55:53
Iteration: 5, Now: 10/31/2023 08:56:15
Iteration: 6, Now: 10/31/2023 08:56:38
Iteration: 7, Now: 10/31/2023 08:57:01
Iteration: 8, Now: 10/31/2023 08:57:29
Iteration: 9, Now: 10/31/2023 08:57:53
Iteration: 10, Now: 10/31/2023 08:58:19
Iteration: 11, Now: 10/31/2023 08:58:43
Iteration: 12, Now: 10/31/2023 08:59:07
Iteration: 13, Now: 10/31/2023 08:59:32
Iteration: 14, Now: 10/31/2023 08:59:56
Iteration: 15, Now: 10/31/2023 09:00:16
Iteration: 16, Now: 10/31/2023 09:00:37
Iteration: 17, Now: 10/31/2023 09:00:59
Iteration: 18, Now: 10/31/2023 09:01:26
Iteration: 19, Now: 10/31/2023 09:01:49
then I swith it to 11.0.5
back and see this:
PS C:\temp> .\msbuild_mk.ps1
Iteration: 0, Now: 10/31/2023 09:03:45
msbuild fail!
so I guess issue is resolved. I will let you know if anything will go wrong again.
@kekekeks @maxkatz6 thank you guys for rapid reaction. we saved from a lot of pain... is there any plan to release 11.0.6 or something like it? this will allow us to switch away from nightly feed...
ps. perhaps you want to close a related issue https://github.com/AvaloniaUI/Avalonia/issues/12670
@maxkatz6 @kekekeks the bug has returned.
I decompiled (dotpeek) the file C:\Users\<user>\.nuget\packages\avalonia\11.1.999-cibuild0041411-beta\tools\netstandard2.0
and recent fix is in place:
Please reopen this issue. We need your help again :(
could I do anything to help the investigation?
I want to add one more point. Something has changed after @kekekeks using
My message above is from repo I shared earlier. But in our commercial system I see sometimes only
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\MSBuild\Current\Bin\amd64\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(4702,5): error MSB3030: не удалось скопировать файл "obj\Release\net7.0\my.dll" - файл не найден. [E:\glr\builds\kryMeSns\0\...\Mobile\Avalonia\....\our avalonia using.csproj]
with no original.pdb
at all in msbuild binlog.
Looks like there is additional issue.
@maxkatz6 @kekekeks looks like I found what is wrong now.
I get master_A2Z.zip repro, run dotnet restore
and run the following script:
Set-Location 'folder path for master_A2Z';
$Iteration = 0;
[System.Console]::WriteLine('Iteration: ' + $Iteration + ', Now: ' + [System.DateTime]::Now);
#$MsBuildProcess = Start-Process -WindowStyle Hidden -PassThru -FilePath 'dotnet' -ArgumentList ( ' build -m:1 /nr:false -clp:"ErrorsOnly;Summary" /p:Platform="Any CPU";Configuration="Release";Optimize="true";DebugSymbols="true";DebugType="full";BuildInParallel=false /bl:avalonia.binlog' );
$MsBuildProcess = Start-Process -WindowStyle Hidden -PassThru -FilePath 'dotnet' -ArgumentList ( ' build -m /nr:false -clp:"ErrorsOnly;Summary" /p:Platform="Any CPU";Configuration="Release";Optimize="true";DebugSymbols="true";DebugType="full" /bl:avalonia.binlog' );
Wait-Process -InputObject $MsBuildProcess;
if($MsBuildProcess.ExitCode -ne 0)
[System.Console]::WriteLine('msbuild fail!');
exit $MsBuildProcess.ExitCode;
$Iteration += 1;
and I see the error. then I comment $MsBuildProcess = Start-Process
line, and UNcomment #$MsBuildProcess = Start-Process
line, and rerun the script. Everything was OK for 20 iterations. Then I stopped the script and return that wrong
line back and see the error again:
the difference between lines is -m
<-> -m:1 BuildInParallel=false
So, things look like that @kekekeks's PR fixed the bug in sequential compilation (which totally makes sense!), but something wrong is still here for parallel compilation!
Hope this helps you to resolve. At least, we have viable workaround now.
We are keep eye on this bug. Sorry for bothering :)
@kekekeks @maxkatz6 thank you guys for rapid reaction. we saved from a lot of pain... is there any plan to release 11.0.6 or something like it? this will allow us to switch away from nightly feed...
Yes indeed - this issue is making life hard, and its been over 4 weeks since 11.0.5.
What is the best version of Avalonia right now - 11.0.5 or which nightly?
@buzzware as the issue is still open I'm not sure it is fixed in nightly, If it is fixed there, I'd go with nightly tbh.
Moreover we have the label help-wanted. So if anyone has an idea and the needed machine to test, please file a PR.
11.0.5 or which nightly?
we are using some nightly revision. everything looks good, but we are waiting for 11.0.6 to have additional safety....
if anyone has an idea and the needed machine to test, please file a PR
let me ask: I had shared the repro above. did Avalonia team check that repro? the repro has failed for me with almost 100% probability. Let me know if you have any troubles with that repro, because I'm highly motivated to see this issue resolved.
I only have windows, so I cannot check on my ends. But if the sample works in nightly, the issue is resolved.
[!NOTE] If the potential fix will be backported to 11.0.6 I cannot say. But latest 11.1.0 should have it in.
I only have windows
I have windows too, and my repro (which includes powershell script) is for windows too. Noone confirm or rejected that the repro (https://github.com/AvaloniaUI/Avalonia/issues/5294#issuecomment-1790239889) has failed or works fine. This is sad... I don't know how to help this further. Noone guide me...
I'm on an Intel Mac with Ventura. This happens regularly on 11.0.5. My solution used mixed latest nightly and 11.0.5. If I built the solution, it would fail on a project on 11.0.5. I just made all projects use 11.1.999-cibuild0041387-beta as @lsoft describes above, and the problem went away.
acc. to feedback this issue seems to be resolved in nightly. So I'm closing it. If someone has this happen on (upcomming) 11.1 or nightly, please ping me and I'll re-open the issue.
@timunie sorry to bother, but I don't follow.... this issue had been closed and then reopened again because nightly builds fix the problem only with -m:1
build key, which means sequentially building.
I had reported this in https://github.com/AvaloniaUI/Avalonia/issues/5294#issuecomment-1790239889
did I lost something important? parallel build is fixed now too? I can confirm we are experiencing troubles without -m:1
key (in parallel building).
@lsoft can you reproduce the issue with a Nuget package built from #13840?