Simon (Darkside) Jackson

Results 74 comments of Simon (Darkside) Jackson

Sorry just spotted this issue update, is this still a problem @neau33 ?

I loved rocket commander and do have a copy somewhere, i wasn't aware Ben had actually done a port already, so sure, I'll get this included. We even have some...

Ahh, this brings back such memories @keveleigh and for beating me to referencing that age old request :D

Having just done some testing with Quest, this is something I would highly support. It also appears that MRTK3 has introduced a regression issue in this area. In MRTK 2...

LMGTFY Two exception stacks I can offer after breaking the solution again (disabling the "CanvasProxyInteractor") ``` NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.UX.UGUIInputAdapter.OnPointerEnter (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData pointerEventData)...

If you require multi-peer to peer, then I suggest looking in to the Azure Communication Service instead As @djee-ms pointed out, WebRTC is primarily a peer to peer solution...

That would be great. It's the only thing stopping us delivering a NuGet for the PSM platform :dancer:

All the samples have been updated to 3.8.1 and .NET 6. As for the shared libs, I hit the same issues as use, currently: * DesktopGL and WindowsDX can share...

This issue needs raising against the main MonoGame project, it's not a sample specific issue. Can you please close this issue and re raise it on the MonoGame project GitHub

Any update @gomski did you create an issue in the main MG repo? if so can we close this issue?