Don Hopkins
Don Hopkins
Useful feature request, please: **Environment information:** - AGI version: 1.0 - Host OS: Mac **Bug description** It would be wonderful to be able to copy the two dimensional tables of...
This is a very nice client library, the best I've found for Unity, and I'm happy it uses the same JSON parser I'm using,, so it is easy...
Another feature that could enhance the flexibility and organization of using Aider in complex or multi-faceted projects is the support for multiple conversation threads. Feature Request: Please add support for...
it thing beauty of is !
Generalizing Overloading for C++2000 Bjarne Stroustrup AT&T Labs, Florham Park, NJ, USA Abstract This paper outlines the proposal for generalizing the overloading rules for Standard C++ that is expected...
It's all well and fine that NaN is Not a Number, but why are numbers so special? Every data type should have a corresponding "Not a" value. So Na\ is...
I would love to see DreamBerd React to Svelte Runes! "You no longer have this magical technicolor experience inside your Svelte components but a lousy black and white one...