Benoit Billington
Benoit Billington
Same problem as @m190 with @purdyk or even @Nevro's code I also changed the support-v4 dependency to 13.0.0 Edit: I did menu.clear() in onCreateOptionsMenu before inflating the fragment's menu to...
I confirm this is happening for me too only on
This app : should have the problem on android 2.3.x
I'm not familiar how that plugin work. but yes an aar package needs to be in the pom. so if that line works I'd go with that :)
Oups I just saw my commit changed the whole file... this is not normal... I only added 1 method at the end : @Override public ContentProviderResult[] applyBatch(ArrayList operations) throws OperationApplicationException...
Hello, I don't get it I apply your code formatter but it just doesn't change anything, actually I didn't even change the formatting so I have no idea why the...
updated to have a nice diff
Any plan to include this soon?
Yes you make a good point there :) I'll read the other issues
Any plan to include this soon?