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Fragments added to ChildFragmentManager do not receive calls for OptionsMenus
The latest version of the support library brings in the ChildFragmentManager to all fragments. However, none of the fragments added through childFragmentManager will receive calls to any of the OptionsMenu functions.
Relevant code from the fragment class:
boolean performCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) {
boolean show = false;
if (!mHidden) {
if (mHasMenu && mMenuVisible) {
show = true;
onCreateOptionsMenu(menu, inflater);
if (mChildFragmentManager != null) {
show |= mChildFragmentManager.dispatchCreateOptionsMenu(menu, inflater);
return show;
Just a heads up. I'm not even going to look at this until r11 or newer is in Maven central.
Resolution for the issue can be found on my fork: I will issue a pull request if you'd like when you move to r11.
That PR only works for 1 level of nested fragments tho. Our users might have more, you never know.
Yes, I noticed this earlier today and resolved it in a later commit. Thanks for looking over it.
Properly recursive implementation is here:
Protip: Make your commits pass checkstyle checks
Looks like a handy tool. I've gone over my changes and resolved all the offending lines created by my changes.
purdyk I have tried your implementation and found another issue with ViewPager and FragmentPagerAdapter.
FragmentPagerAdapter calls setMenuVisibility... but it does not call it for child fragments.
Lets imagine that our Pager has 3 fragments. And one has a child fragment. All of them have menus. F1 F2 F3 F1.1
Now let's activate 2nd page with F2. FragmentPagerAdapter (on setPrimaryItem) will call F1.setMenuVisibility(false), but will not do it for F1.1
So our menu will be F2 + F1.1, not that we expected.
For a temp solution i have modified your code: I do not dispatch calls to child if parent fragments menu is invisible (you need to do that in all your recursive functions):
private boolean recurseOnPreparePanel(Fragment f, Menu menu)
boolean show = false;
if (f != null && !f.mHidden && f.mHasMenu && f.mMenuVisible && f instanceof OnPrepareOptionsMenuListener) {
show = true;
if (!f.mMenuVisible)
return show;
// Dispatch calls to any child fragments
if (f != null && f.mChildFragmentManager != null && f.mChildFragmentManager.mAdded != null)
for (int j = 0; j < f.mChildFragmentManager.mAdded.size(); j++)
Fragment f2 = f.mChildFragmentManager.mAdded.get(j);
show = recurseOnPreparePanel(f2, menu);
return show;
Make sure any changes your make matches the behavior of the native implementation.
Hey guys! Do you have any idea on when this issue might be addressed?
Probably never! All maven library stuck on android and support library r7 forever... :(
Well that's bad news... This issue is actually preventing me from shipping. I modified using the above implementation but I'm still getting duplicated MenuItems when I use child fragments along together with a ViewPager.
Try with latest abs version and with my watson class. If not work, commit some simple sample to your git and post url here...
thanks Nevro, great fix!
Hi Nevro,
don't you know why inner fragments menu is not destroyed? :) I tried to use last abs and your fix, but once created, menu is shown all the time, even if you switch the tab. I debugged the code (Watson class), and it look like the menu is destroyed, but on the screen I see other things. Should I override onDestroyOptionsMenu or to do something other?
I'm actually having the same issue, would be cool if someone had a fix :)
Copy ViewPager from r12 and wait for official ActionBarCompat....
I can't believe this issue isn't more public. Took me an entire afternoon to isolate this issue in a codebase I'm backporting with ABS
thanks @purdyk your solution did work for me. :+1:
Same problem as @m190 with @purdyk or even @Nevro's code I also changed the support-v4 dependency to 13.0.0
Edit: I did menu.clear() in onCreateOptionsMenu before inflating the fragment's menu to solve the problem
I have same problem as @m190 for solve this i did: @Override public void onPause() { setHasOptionsMenu(false); super.onPause(); } maybe another way to fix this in Watson class?
Does the fact that the SDK now ships with a maven repository for the support library (which, frankly, I find to be an awful hack) change the project's stance on this bug?
In case you didn't know, there's a repository (that the Gradle builds get automagically) in $ANDROID_HOME/extras/android/m2repository/
I haven't read about Maven and Gradle). Thanks, I'll try use Marven.
Until either the support library is in maven central or android-maven-plugin picks up the repositories in the SDK automatically, nothing's going to happen on this issue.
can anybody explain in detail how to solve this bug?