Wang Yuan

Results 50 comments of Wang Yuan

AFAIK, we can free memory 1 GB per second, do you encounter this case in production environment?

### How to set scripts name We can set scripts name when calling SCRIPTS LOAD. `SCRIPTS LOAD $scripts [NAME $name]` Also we can support set sha of scripts to new...

also can set script name in EVAL command change `EVAL script numkeys key [key …] arg [arg …]` into `EVAL script [NAME $name] numkeys key [key …] arg [arg …]`...

> We call can support call scripts by name by EVALSHA, but name MUST NOT be 40 char > EVALSHA $name(must not 40 char) oh, yes, can be 40 char,...

Some ideas - Enable prefix bloom filter, i am making this 😜 - optimize current locks guard(use rocksdb snapshot for reading instead of locks), i am thinking, and i will...

@patpatbear would you like to try my PR #508, i enable rocksdb prefix bloom filter

another way is that we can compact deleted keys or tombstones ASAP - use NewCompactOnDeletionCollectorFactory of rocksdb - our compaction checker implements fine-grained compaction

> optimize current locks guard(use rocksdb snapshot for reading instead of locks), i am thinking, and i will discuss with @git-hulk soon after Maybe i have a wrong idea, currently,...

Thanks @Eshcar Yes, i know RocksDB supports, but i worry transaction db would break kvrocks db usage, I will rethink it. BTW, initially we just want to implement transaction like...

@Eshcar Sorry for the slow reply. Currently, kvrocks directly access `db` when reading data from db, and write a `writebatch` when writing data. It doesn't care about rocksdb txs, if...